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Decorative gingerbread “Greetings from Poland”

Decorative gingerbread "Greetings from Poland"

Decorative gingerbread “Greetings from Poland” is my original proposal of “premium” gingerbread. The beauty of Polish mountains, folklore and tradition transferred to hand-glazed, real, natural gingerbread.

My folklore-gingerbread project consists of 3 different patterns:

  • Large decorative gingerbread baked in the shape of Poland, containing a greeting, e.g. Gingerbread cookies are packed in a box with a 21×21 cm window;
  • Decorative gingerbread with a figure in a folk costume, packed in a box with a window size of 12×20 cm;
  • Smaller white and red “Polski”, decorated only with an inscription, packed in a cellophane bag.

I hope that I managed to convey all the most important details of the costumes of individual regions of Poland, because it is my own project from idea to implementation. The idea for such a souvenir from Poland appeared very spontaneously, although working on this project took me some time. All designs are my own, I drew the characters many times, each time improving the previous version, until beautiful gingerbread men were created. The gallery below presents only exemplary patterns referring to 4 regions of Poland and present the Kashubian costume, Żywiec costume, Krakow costume and Łowicz costume. If you are interested in a different regional costume, write to me and I will frost gingerbread especially for you.

Gingerbreads baked according to traditional home recipe, using real multi-floral honey and spices. The decoration is Royal Icing, colored with food dyes. Gingerbread cookies can be very hard as it depends on the humidity. If you want to eat them with taste, so that they are deliciously soft, you can open them and leave them on a plate for a few days, and they will absorb moisture from the air (only works if you have humid air) or close them for the night with a slice of fresh bread, and they will take over its moisture. It will be delicious.

The minimum order of gingerbread is 5 pieces of the same pattern.

If you would like to place an order or have more questions, please write to me using the contact form.

Decorative gingerbread “Greetings from Poland” perfect as a souvenir from Poland for foreign guests.

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